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Neat Image Pro Plus 2011 is a very handy filtering application that has been developed to reduce visible noise efficiently in the digital photographic images and improve the quality of your pictures. This easy to use application analyzes your picture and also performs filtering process that will result in better quality for the output image. Neat Image Pro Plus 2011 lets you achieve desired level of noise reduction by using device noise profiles and filter presets. You can also download Movavi Photo Editor. Neat Image Pro Plus 2011 lets you build your own device noise profile for specific shooting and scanning mode of your digital camera/scanner by using Calibration Target feature. It has got a tab-based user interface which is a user friendly and it lets enhancement of the photo quality by following few simple steps. You can also compare original photo as well as resulting output one by simply clicking on the image. On a conclusive note we can say that Neat Image Pro Plus 2011 is a very handy filtering application that has been developed to reduce visible noise efficiently in the digital photographic images and improve the quality of your pictures. You can also download PhotoELF Photo Editor.

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Neat Image is computer software that removes digital noise from photographic images and also performs other image quality improvements. Neat Image improves digital photos from cameras, scanned negative and positive films as well as scanned printed photos.

Neat Image works as a special-purpose digital filter. Our filter is specifically designed to reduce visible noise in digital photographic images. In digital camera shots, image noise generally comes from two key sources: random nature of the captured light and imperfect nature of image sensor and camera circuitry, especially in high ISO modes. In scanned images from legacy sources, silver halide grain from high speed film is the main source of noise.

Wherever your images come from, Neat Image can deliver beautiful images with noise and grain notably reduced. Digital images taken with any equipment, processed with Neat Image, will often look as though they were taken under optimal conditions with more expensive gear. Scanned archive images and prints can look contemporary, and can be as grain- and pattern-free as possible. Neat Image greatly improves the visual quality of digital images by reducing the objectionable noise and grain and at the same time preserving the true image details.

Neat Image effectively reduces these kinds of noise:Luminance noiseColor (chroma) noiseBanding noiseSalt-and-pepper (impulse) noiseElectronic interference noiseFilm grainJPEG artifactsIn-camera noise reduction artifactsSome other image imperfections

Neat Image Pro 8.3.5 Crack With Serial key Download This is a powerful photo filter and highest quality noise reducer software that designed to reduce visible noise and grain in digital images.With this professional photo filter, you can easily to reduce indispensable in low-light (indoors, astro, night) and high-speed photography.

You want to crack a new personal bestThe Garmin Fenix line has always offered some of the best training tools, but the new additions offered by the Fenix 7 make it easier to balance rest and recovery, and help you see the long-term benefits of the work you're putting in today.

Microsoft Office has a security feature that allows users to encrypt Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, Skype Business) documents with a user-provided password. The password can contain up to 255 characters and uses AES 128-bit advanced encryption by default.[54] Passwords can also be used to restrict modification of the entire document, worksheet or presentation. Due to lack of document encryption, though, these passwords can be removed using a third-party cracking software.[55]

Office 2003 introduces three new programs to the Office product lineup: InfoPath, a program for designing, filling, and submitting electronic structured data forms; OneNote, a note-taking program for creating and organizing diagrams, graphics, handwritten notes, recorded audio, and text; and the Picture Manager graphics software which can open, manage, and share digital images.

On May 16, 2011, new images of Office 15 were revealed, showing Excel with a tool for filtering data in a timeline, the ability to convert Roman numerals to Arabic numerals, and the integration of advanced trigonometric functions. In Word, the capability of inserting video and audio online as well as the broadcasting of documents on the Web were implemented.[145] Microsoft has promised support for Office Open XML Strict starting with version 15, a format Microsoft has submitted to the ISO for interoperability with other office suites, and to aid adoption in the public sector.[146] This version can read and write ODF 1.2 (Windows only).[147]

Office Web Apps was first revealed in October 2008 at PDC 2008 in Los Angeles.[215] Chris Capossela, senior vice president of Microsoft business division, introduced Office Web Apps as lightweight versions of Word, Excel, PowerPoint and OneNote that allow people to create, edit and collaborate on Office documents through a web browser. According to Capossela, Office Web Apps was to become available as a part of Office Live Workspace.[216] Office Web Apps was announced to be powered by AJAX as well as Silverlight; however, the latter is optional and its availability will only "enhance the user experience, resulting in sharper images and improved rendering."[217] Microsoft's Business Division President Stephen Elop stated during PDC 2008 that "a technology preview of Office Web Apps would become available later in 2008".[218] However, the Technical Preview of Office Web Apps was not released until 2009.

'w'"'"", ''-t r.ooin4TTMe Jackson Mekald,:.:m:CIRCULATION 100 ft.$1.00 PER YEAR.b. F"tusK7Kiitiir.' u; : 1N TnB 1NTKREst of lnu people and the republican party. one dollar per year in advance.VOL. t . -- ; " TS()Nijggj; T1IU11S1UY. JULY 2.V 1901.If1.M;v'2r-V".. "' . V.''V9l.tCnitviijthwJ iqoa ty tt' . ClIAITKH V.At sunset Dint evening the regiment destined to rnilmrk with theexpedition couimninlrfl by ticn. Vinton-werp-nailod fon i:-pecl.i'in infull iiinn.liinjr order, title a ,!o.enother coiouism! les fortunatelooked enviously ou. iIn front of tli guarrl-honee at theI'rr.tMlo n dozen cavalrymen nruirOwith the new carbine r.nd ilt-aser!throughout for winter service, tMsbelnir Sun Krauii-tcu .lutir, ),alfonni-d mtiltn uinlrr roiitninhd of afrgpnt niitl Ktuorl nilmtly At i-Hiiawuitinfr tliCTfyijiiijr of the officer oftlm day. Tlu in'cMirnle- fit of tln-irwann overronttt, t ! mt of tlirlrtrooper trouarr. tlie nillsh of tlieirbraKan mid buttons, I hi' Mintr. trim"act" of I heir belt, nil combined totell the thillrd observer that tltworn rejfiiltirs.At a brief, curt "Serjeant, pet outyonr pri.Honrrs," from the be:irllrilip of a yoiiiiff lieutenant, then1 tvaa 'Intmit fumbling of blr kera nndclunking of iron from the htihlen recenses of the punrd house.The illnnionnted troopyra aprnjif!auddc-tily to attention. The ruiirdaplit in livn nt it nrbMle, rncii halffacing outward, marched half 11 dozeipnrea away like the duelist of olddaya from the hack to back position,halted, faced front once more, nndatood upnlu nt ease, with a broadflip of n doen pacea between theirInner Hunks.Into this space, shuffling; di jeetedlyIn some case. stnlKlntr defiantly Inothcrx, alltikinir, Khiveriiif; nnd decrepit In the cnc of two or thrcapoor wrecks of the rum fiend, astream of liuninnity In soiled soldier(urn cnnie pouring from the prisondoor ami lined up under the eyes ofvigilant nou-connnls.sionrd orhcrrs infront of the young lieutenant. In commnnd. Thrre they stood, their eyes shifting nervously from (roup to (roup,-.ff -Jioddlii'jr pi,tMr. their shouldera hunched up to their enrs theriff-raff of the (nrrUop the few desperate, dangerous chnractrrs fromthe surrounding rnmps, un uncouth,uncanny lot at any time, but lookingIts worst In the drip of the floatingtog-wreaths and the (loom and despond of dying day. The boom of thesunset j;un from Alcutraz fell sullen,1 on the ear even as the soft trumpet-f the cavalry, close nt hand, U'lfitnaouiuJn( the "retreat." At its lastprolonged note the sharp crack of anold thre-lnch rifle echoed tin' reportfrom Alcatrai, and froin the Invisible,tnist-shrouded top of the staff thedripping folds of the sljpi-ni-hVi;; cameflapptn( down in vicl, liir.p un.lbedraggled, end the (jird s.-nagain to attention as a hurlv, redfaced, hcr.rty-loolilnjr soldter, with acaptain's Insignia in loop and brnirlon tna sleevss of his overcoat, brokea way through the group of I'ookerson and, barely waiting for the saluteand report of the young lieutencntcommanding, began a sharp scrutinyof the prisoners before him.Down nlong the line, he went, untilat tha fourth man from the left Inthe front rank he stopped short. Abulky, thlelc-set soMier stood there, nsullen, scnil-uVHnnf look about hise-ves, n prim set to p jaws bristlinifwith a week-old beard of dirty black.Then came the snappiiigrolloiny :"Your name M nrra ?'"-"That's what, they call ine.""What was your utunn beforothat?""Jim."Whereat there was a titter In theranks of prisoners. Some of -theguard even allowed their mouths taxpand, and the groups of. volunteers, chuckling in kenu ujf y im-nt,oajjie edging In closer.Instantly the vi'.ca of the officerf the guard was heard ordering fcilance, and fuc-os straightened out lothe twinkling of an eye,. The elder oflicer, the captain, grew-a trltle redder, but he v.ns mailer ofhimself and the situation. It ia withachoulboyx us uith soldiers, theirtiinnttr is the man whom prai.ks or. iiupu.lenue t-itnnot annoy. The oflicer of the day let oo tone of temperinto his next quest Ion. LookingStraight into the shifting eyes, hewalled for perfect silence, and tl-.uspoke:"JiiU tvhal? I wibh the name un4er which you served in your previousnllsttnent.""Never Hold I'd Served before." -"No. You declared .jrou had not.Wut 1 Inow better. You're a deserterfrom tlu Seventh oavalry."Tho face under the ahruudlng campaigo ht went (ray white with sudden tw ltoh of I he muscle, then setagain, rigid nnd defiant. The eyesni.apped angrily. .The ans ver wassharp, yet -acemcd, as soldiers say, to'"hang f,re" a second."Never'seen the Seventh cavalry inniv Ufa." ,Tha officer af the day turned nnd'beckoned t ) ftguse hlth't ketwell rn the- lnckgrouud. screened bytbe groups of surrounding volunteer. A mao of middle age, smooth'Shaven Bud fctout, dressed la businesssack-suit, cuuie sturdily forward sadtonk position by the captain's side.;;-At sight of the newcomer Murray's1J B. lippiruolt Cosssy.face, that had 'rcgulned a hit of ltaruddy hue, again turned, dirty white,and the boy lieutenant, eying hltncloselv, saw the twitch of hli thin,half-hidden lip."Polr.t util yonr mn," aald thscaptain to the new arrival.The civilian stepped forward, andwithout a word twit. tapped with hisforefinger the broad breast of Prisoner Murray and, never looking ' athim, turned again ta the officer ofthe day."Whst was his name in the Sev'enth?" asked the latter."Sackctt."'The captain turned to the officer ofDie guard. "Mr. Ksy," said he, "separnte Murray from the garrison oilsoners and have him put. lu a cell.That man must be carefully guardedYou mny dismiss the guard, sir."And, followed by the stranger.Capt. Kress was leaving the groundwhen Murray seeuied to recover himself, and in loud and defiant voicegave tongue:"That man's a damned liar, andthis is an outrage."."Shut up, Murray I" shouted thesergeant on the gusrd, scandalized atsuch violation of military proprieties"It's gagged you'll belyoti Idiot," headded between his set teeth, as withscowling face he bore down on theequally srowliag prisoner. "Comeout of that and step along here utieudor me. I II put you wnere snoutinwon't help." And slowly, sullenly,Murray o.-yrd. ,Slowly nnd in silence the groups ofspectators broke up nnd saunteredaway ns the Inst of the prisonerstlragiretl back Into the guard Jiouseand the guard itself broke ranks nndwent within doors, leaving only thomvutry pacing; meciimiielly the narrow, hard-beaten path, the sergeantand, at the turn of the road, theyfeng lieutenant whom ('apt. Kresshad addressed us Mr. Kay. This oflicer, having silently received hi nt-perior's orders and seen to it thn'iMurray was ncjually "behind thebsi'i," had ug..!ii i-.i.e "oriii iutoV'hrgathering twilight, the glonmlng of acheerless day, nnd having hnste'ned tothe bend, from which point the formsof the officer of the day nnd his ussociate wvre slll faintly visible,stood gazing nftvr them, a puzzledlook in his brnve young face.Not yet a month in possession olhis commission, here was n lad towhom, every iota of the routine o,1 a"THAT MAN'S A liAJIXKD I .TAB, ANDTHIS 18 AN Ol'TKAUK."lieutenant's life was us familiar Ufthough he hud drafwn the pay for adecade.Horn and bred in the army, taughtfrom cur!) boyhood to ride Slid shoot,to spnr nu.l swim, spending his vaeatlon in saddle and his school days inunwilling study, en adept -in everyhea'ttiful and exhilarating sport, keenwiih rifle and revolver, with shotgunand rod, with bat and racquet, withthe gloves and ImUnn clubs, the nimblest ipiarter-back and dodger, heswiftest riitiner'of his school. It pinstbe owned thu.1 Kan ford liny; wasa inoi-t indifferent scholar. Of geography, history and languages he hadrather o-.ore tha a smattering' heeotiaaof occasional tuurs abroad whenstill at an imprestloasble sge. YetfrWndy "took more stock," as he expressed It, and "stswk," as he calledit. In Sioux and the sign languagethan he did in French or German,knew far more of the Hockles andSierra than he did of the Alps, studied the European cavalry with theye of an accomplished critic, andstoutly maintained that wnlia theywers bigger swells and prettier tolook at, they could neither ride norhoot to compare with the sturdytroopers of his father's squadron."A to uniforms," said Sandy, "anybody could look swagger iu the lancarand buasar rig. It takes a man tolook Ilka a soldier in what our fellows have to wear."It wasn't the field garb Bandy despised, but the full dress, the blueand yellow enormity in which ourtrooprrs are compelled to appear.It had been the faint hope of hisfond parents 1 hut Master V.nndywould grow up to be something, bywhich was meant a lawyer, an artist,architect, engineer, something incivil life that promised home and fortune. But the lad from babyhoodwould think of nothing but the nrmy,sad with much misgiving, In Snudy'sfifteenth year, his father (hippedhint to JCentuoky,- where they wereless at home than in Kansas, andgave him a year's hard schooling lahopes of bracing up his mathematics.Sandy wa wild to go to neat l'olnt,and at the hot tern of hia heart MaJ.Hay would have rejoiced had hthought It possible for Sandy to pullthrough) but ruefully he mindedhltn how hard a taak wa hi own,and how rlose he came to failure Stthe semi-annual tumt. "Sandyhates Math, even more than I did,"said he, to Marlon, his devoted wife."It wss all I oould do to squirmthrough when the course was aowhere near a hard as it Is to-daytao don't act your heart on it, littlewoman."Tbe appointment wa not so hardto get, for MsJ. Billy had a host offriend In his native state, and anold chum at the Point assured himhe oould eAsh yevnp ?3"1y thTochthe preliminary, and. indeed, he did.Sandy scrapad In after six months'vigorous work, managed to hold hisown through the first year's tusslewith algebra and goometry, which bebad studied bard and faithfully before, wa a pet In his class, and thepride and Joy of hi mother' and Kilter's hearts in yearling enmp, wherehe blossomed out in corporal's chevrons and made a natty and activea first sergeant as could be foundwhile ths "furlough class" was away.nut th misery began with "analytical" and the crisis came withcrIciiIu, and to the boy' bitter sorrow, after having been turned backone year on the former and fallingutterly on the latter, the verdict ofthe academic board went deadagslnst him, and stout, old soldiersthereon cast their vote with grieving hearts, for "Billy Ray's boy" waa lad they hated to let go, but WestPoint rules are inexorable.It was hard to reconcile the ladat first. The major set him up a ayoung ranchman in a lovely valleyIn the Rig Horn range, and there hewent atttrdily to work, but before thewinter was fnlrlv on the country wasrousing to the appeals of Cuba, nndbefore It wss gone the Maine hadsunk, a riddled hulk, and the springcame on with s call to srnis.Together with some UK) young fellows all over the land. Sanford Itaywent up for examination for the vacant second lieutenancies In thenrmy,and he who had failed in analyticaland calculus passed without grafttrouble the more practical ordeal demanded by the wr department, wasspeedily commissioned in the nrtillery, and, to his glory and delight,promptly transferred to the cavalry,Then came the first general brenknp the family hnd really known, forthe mjo: ijl 1 awry to Kentucky to assume command of tho regiment of volunteers -of which he hndbeen made colonel. Hilly, .lr.. a ludof barely 17, enlisted at Lexington as'a bugler in his father's regiment , jand swore bed shoot himself if theyduln t let him serve. I tie Kent nek-lens were ordered to Chicksninuga,the young rcirultir to the I'resitlio atRan Kranciseo, and i.m. (Ihv. aftersccinir her husband 1 1 1! youngest sonstarted for the snulh, returned toLeavenworth, where they had Justsettled down a week before the warbegan, parked nnd stored the household furniture, then, taking "Mai, lie"with her, hurried westward to see thelast of her boy, whose squadron wasJestltied'fnr service at Manila.The lieutenant, as they delightedIn calling him, joined them a Denver, looking perfectly at home in hifield uniform nnd perfectly happy,They left Maidie to spend a weekwith old army friends nt Kort Douglas, nnd.ns soon ns Sandy was settledin his new duties 'and the lotingmother hnd satisfied herself the cavalry would not be spirited away before .July, she accepted the eager invitation of other old friends to visitthem nt Sacrnnietito, and- there theywere, mother and daughter, againunited this very ruw nnd foggy evening, when Mr. Hay, ns oflicer of theguard, stood at the bend of the roadway ens'l ef the 1'resldio guard-house,gar-ina, lifter the vanishing forms ofCap Kress and the burly stranger Incivilian clothes, and wondering whereon eivrth it wss he had seen the hitter before.(To ! continued.)Hoitie-MH'kerM Incursions toCaliluriiln. .Inly. Augustnnd .September.The Gitton Holt route will soilhome-seekers' excursion ticketsto nil points in California at therate of one fare plus 12 for theround trip.Dates of sale, July 2 oud lf,August 0 and 20, (September 3and 17, VMl. Going passage tocoinraeooo en dato of -sale, withcontinuous passage) ,up to firsthome-ficckcrs' destination enroute, being good from thence tofinal destination within extremegoing limit of 13 days from duteof mile. Return limit 21 day3from dato of sale.For further information callupon or address W. E. Uipson,Deruy. Mo , orI.. V.LaHalmk,G.P.& T.A.,St. Louis, Mo.If you want somCJust as good""I matte it myself, ' remedy tryan imitation Rocky MountainTea. 'Twill nitike you sick nndkeep yon sick. Ask your druggist.DcWitt'e Witch liazeTsTlve shouldbu promptly applied to cuts, burnsand scalds. It soothes and quicklyheale tbe injured part. Thero areworthless counterfeits, be sure toget D Witt's. AUdealors.Stick to the Party.It will be well for the. republican party to hold entirely alooffrom tho new or third partymovtment In Missouri. Let theelements outside the party fighttheir own battles. There may becounties where fusion or alliancewould defeat the democracy, butit is doubtful whether that wouldhelp the republicans. There arerepublican votes enough in thisstate to defeat the combinedforces of tbe other jxiliticrtldivisions, if those votes are organized and massed against theenemy; auti'.vHth the democratdivided, the state wilt be safelyrepublican. The danger is thatin some of the counties politicaldeals may be attempted whichwill give a local advantage without in any way aiding lite ifartyin tho entire state. Throughsuch deals the party may be ledinto losses that will weaken thestate ticket. Let every man whowants to sec Missouri become arepublican state stick close tothe party, and let tho light be nstraight, earnest republicaneffort. Political Review.Tho teachers' institute closedhere last Friday. About fiftyteachers erere in attendance. Thework of the institute was as thelaw intends purely professional.Tho work of the institute board,Commissioner McCollouoh'tvndProfessors Summers and Haupt,was satisfactory to all."I wish to truthfully state toyou ana the readers or these lewlines that your Kodol DyspepsiaCure is without quostion the bestand only cure for dyspepsia thatI havo aver 'come in contact withunil Ihave used many other, proparatios." John Uoam, VVestMiddlesex,Pa. No preparation equalsKodol uyspcpBia uure as it contains all the dieestants. It will dicrust all 'kinds of food and can'thelp but do you irod. All dealers4,I am indebted to Ono MinuteCouoh Cure for my present goodhealth and my life. It was trentedin vain by doctors for lung trouble following Ingrippe. I took OneMinuteUoughLitie and recoveredmy health.-' h. H. Wise, Madison,(Ja. All dealers.A WORTHY 5UCE5S0R."SouicUiiiiff New liiilorthe .Sun.''All doctorti have tried to curecatarrh bv the use of isowders.acid gases, inhalers and drugs inpaste form. Their powders drythe mucuous membranes causingtliem to crack open and bleed.1 he powerful acids used in the inhalers have entirely eaten awavthe arae membranes that theirowners aimed tocure.while pastesand ojutments cannot reach thedisease. An old and exporiencedpractitioner who has for manyvears made u close stuuv andspecialty of the treatment of catarrh, has at last perfected atreatment which when faithfully iused, not onlv relieves at once,but permanently cures catarrh, byremoving the cause, stopping thedischarges, and curing all inflammation. It is the onlv remedyknown to science that actuallyreaches the afflicted parts. Thiswonderful remedy is known as"Snuffles the'Juaranteed CatarrhCure'' and is sold at the extremelylow prico. ono dollar, each package containing iuternal and external medicine sttfhcient for a fullmonth's treatment aude very thingnocessurv to its perfect use.anuiflos" is tho onlv perfectcatarrh euro ever made and is nowrecognized as the only safe andpositive cure for that annoyingand disgusting disease. It curesall inflammation quickly and crmanonliy and is also wonderfullyquick to relieve hav fever or coldin the head.Catarrh when neglected oftenleads to consumption "Snuflies"will save von if vou use it at once.It is no ordinary remedy, but acomplete treatment which Is positively guaranteed to cure catarrhin an v form or stage if used according to tbe directions whichaccompany each package. Don'tdelay but send for it at once, audwrito full particulars us to yourcondition, and vou will receiyuspecial advise from tho discovererof this wonderful remedy regarding your cae without coat to youIhsvouq tue regular price of'sSnurtie's" the cuarantcad catarrh cureSent prepaid to any address iuthe United States or Canada onreceipt of one dollar. AddressDept A 81.1 Edwin li. Giles &uo.,ziou ana MMi Market street,Philadelphia, Pa.A Correct Picture.Tbe Thayer Republican writesup its local contemporary in aconclusive way. TTio applicationfits the general policy and conduct of the democratic party, andpoliticians so well that it shouldnot be confined to the democraticec' tor at Thayer. The Republican says:"The scribbler on the municipal ownership organ over onChostnut street seems lo bo in abad way this week. He h mortally afraid that the five judgesof the supreme court will overrule aud override the constitutionof the United States. He isnorely displeased with tho waythe republican convention in Ohiowas conducted. He growls atMr. Chamberlain, colonial secretary of England. He tears hishair because tho Amoricans resiling in Germany did not celebratethe fourth of July this year. Hediscovers a ha 1 state of affairs inHawaii. Ho wipes his noso onthe oftico towel over tho subjectsof the Stiltau of Sutu. He snarlsnt Lon Stephens and goes out ofhis way to giye Grovor Clevelanda kick. He says our 'heavy editorial writer' tills our columns'with senseless repetitions.' Heliterally circles tho whole earth,and doesn't find anything anywhere to suit him. He remindsus of a certain preacher, who,unliko the majority of his cloth,was very hard to please abouthis eating' A good sister, knowing his peculiarity, once invitedhim home with her to dinner,and took especial pains to preparea tempting meal. When it wasall on the table, tho preacher,the sister and her son, a citizenof nine summers, sat down to eatit. The blessing asked, tho sister passed the preacher tho friedchicken. Naw, I don't eatchicken ' was the response. Sheoffered him the roast beef.'Roost beef doesn't agree withme.' She passed the ham andit was refused. The biscuit, thelightbread and the cookies werepassed, but ho didn't want any.The pie, the cako and the deportwero all declined, liy this timethe good sister was very muchembarrassed, and the boy, looking on first with astonishmentand then with indignation, hadgot so full he couldn't hold himself. Said he, 'Maw, inebby theold fool would suck an aig.'Try an 'aig.' neighbor."Ilonie-seckers' Kxcurniou ltatea.Tho Cotton Belt advise additional homo-seekers1 excursionsfrom Delta, Mo. to all kj'iu!s inArkansas, except Little Rock andpoints on the Little Rock branch.bclwceu Altheima and LittleRock. To all points in Texsaud ljouisiana on tbe Cotton licit,Kansas City Southern, Texas itPacific (except New Oileaiu) andtho li. & S. railroad, and to allpoints in Oklahoma aud lndiauTerritories at tho rate of onefare plu H for the round trip.Dates of sale arc, July 2 andHi, August 6 and '.'0, September3 and 17, October 1 and Ij, November 5 ami l'.l, and Ileeember3 and 17. PJU1.Tickets good to leave startingpoint ou date of sale only, goingtransit limit to bo 15 days, whichtime stop overs will be permittedin home seekers' territory. Return limit, 21 days from date ofsale.For further information callupon or address W. E. Gipson,Deruy, Mo., orK.W.LAllAi'ME.G.P.ctT. A., St. Louis, Mo.a sua ease cacsa es tsaraa sestets.CREAMranHighest Honors, World's FelrGold Med!, Midwinter FairAro(4 H4Une; rvwear ssnfsssliHluaa. They axe IoJstVku t beshfcSoutheast Missouri News.Many of the business bouse-of Bioomfield are putting inelectric fans. . That shows progress. 'Tho circuit court cf Pemiscotcounty, in session -lust week, senttwelvo prisoners to the penitentiary. We are in receipt of the firstissue of Del Longrear's paper,the CaruthetsvilU' Journal. It ina newsy paper.From the looks of the sbonri ssales published in the GreenviPeSun it wotdd appear that Waynecounty is selling out.A 1 7-year old boy, Chas. Dobbs,living near Dexter, accidontuilyshot and killed his mother, mistaking her for a turkey. Theboy is nearly crazed with gihlf.A. D. Villars, of Fredericktown, has been appointed by Gov.Dockery to the position of probate judge of .f:1Tso county tolilt the vacancy caused by thedeath of Judge N. R. Allen.The 14th of September is suggested as the time, and St. Louisas tho place, for tbe republicaneditors of Missouri to meet anddiscuss political matters. Thisseems to us to be a good move.E. W. Fleutge, .1. A. Horrell,Sophia Paiuter and A. R. Pondor bought the . Id Painter farmin tho western part of Capo Girardeau last wok, paying iMG.Om)for it. They will lay It out intown lots and put it on themarket.Rov. J. L. Batten, pastor ofthe Methodist church at Piedmont, is the recipient of a cuiious and wonderful document. Itpurports to' be on "internationaldiploma" conferring upon himtho degrees of D. D. and L.L. P.,"aa ono of tho wisest, greatestand best gospel preachers" andgiving hint a. 'license to preachthe gospel everywhere as hopleases forevcrmore," and signedby Right Rev. Robert Miller, ofTexas, aud dated July 13, PJ0-1.Tho document is unique.Tho body of a woman wasfound iu tho St. Francois riverabout two miles from Bismarckhist Monday by some boys whowero tishiug. Esquiro Morritwas notiliud aud empanelled ajury and heid au inquest. Thebody was in such a state of decomposition that identificationwas impossible; but it was supposed to be the body of a fallenwoman who had been in PilotKnob for some time, but whodisappeared seveial days before.As no evidence of violenco couldbo discovered tho jury foundthat it was a ca.e of suicide.THE TWICE-A-WEEK REPUBLIC.Kvcry Monday ami Thursday anewspaper as j.'iiml ;iS a iii.itcaruwninl better, fur il contains the latestby tflf!nib as well as u,r,rrestiii)(stories is hclit to tile Mllx-Cl ilx-r nfthe "Twice-a-YVeck" ill-public, whichis only I a year.The man who nnd:; the 'Ttvice ,tWeek' Keputilir Knows all alanit affairs ptilillcal, domestic ami f..renevents; is pnsietl itlsitii the marketsami commercial '(generally.The woman vh-i reads the 'Twice-a-Weeh"Uc,uUlic n it'"1' a bit ofN.iluaWc IntnrmaLliiii aii.'iil. huu.cbohi affairs ttid lit.) fashions andMuds recreation iu llio bright stonestiiat cuuie under taillt the hc-iilitis offact and fiction. Thero is (!tssiiabout now tssiks uud n othertopics of especial Interest to thewido-uwake man ami woman.THE TOLEDO WEEKLY BLADE.The Toledo Woek'ly Mad. lias 1111enormous circulation nt nil times.T! year of a presidential eHiiipiii.'tihowL-ver, It is regularly read bv mmtwo million people. Nut onlv lie.publicans, hut people of nil classes,III every wrtion nf tho Tnlted Klulesread it for poliical information.For thirty veura it Juts been a ivhlur visitor In ovotA' part of the I'uionand ts well knoie In h I most everyone of the 7il,0tKi ptr-tolHees in thecountry. It Is edited with referenceto national eiivulntion nnd peopleof all liolilies takn it, because- cf itshonesty and faitneas in the discussion of all political finest ions. It itthe favivrile fainilv paper with amnethinc for every member of thohousehold. Serial stories, pm-try,wit and hiiunr: the Household department (best lu the world i. YninFolks, Sunday School I,cs.oiih, thefarmstead, the QucMuui Hurean(which answers questions t i stibkcrilicrs), the News of the Week luoo m plow form. Had other specialfeatures. Specimen copies, gladlyKent on application, and If you willsend ua a list on addresses, we willmail a copy to each. Only a year.If you wish to raise a club.'ftrire forterms. Artdre-eTr BL4XE,Teltxio, Obio'.The Drought.Tho drought still continues. Itia stated that this is the fourthgrjtt drought experienced inMissouri. These occurred19ir, ls-,0 and 1S71. Also1 8m there was a drought.InrcIn871 tho ' governor of our stateinsued a proclamation and set aday for prayer ' for rain. Thisyear Governor Dockery for thesecond time issued a proclamation and appointed a day ouwhich to pray to Almighty Godfor tain.On last Sunday many ferventprayers wont up to God for rain.These prayers will bj &n;wArdin God's own good time, and if ifIs best for us he will send rain.It may be best for us to sufferthe loss of crops and lack ofwater. We certainly have beeuKlessed by our Lord much Inexcess of our goodness. Theouly thing that we can say is"Thy will, O. Lord, not ours, bedone."Dr. C. V. Alsop, of Owehboro, Ky., a dentist of ten years'experience, and a graduate of theObio College of Dental Surgery,X'niversity of Cincinnati, one oftha oldest and best known doutalcolleges in the land, has locatedin Jackson, over the Exchangebank, and is prepared to practicedentistry in all its branches. Special attention giveu to crown andbridge work. Pareuts of children with delicate or irregulartoeth will do well to call as bolias bad a wide experience inthat line. Examination and consultation will be cheerfully given.A bad complexion generally results from inactive liver and bowels. In'all such casesDeWitt's LitUoEarl Risers produce gratifying'results. All dealers.Special recursions to Coloradoand futli.The Cotton Btiit route offersexceptional inducements to itsfriends and patrons for a 'suretur-r's outing amoni; '.ho historicscenes of tha Rocky mountainsin Colorado and L'tah during the, coming summer months, ns fol-fows:From June S to ;i0 inclusiveand July 10 to August 31 inclusive, tickets .will be on .sale atDelta, Mo., to Pueblo. ColoradoSprings, Denver and Glenn woodSprings. Colorado, and Salt I-mkeCity and Ogden, Utah, at Hie rateof oue faro plus two dollars, forthe round trip; nnd from July lto '.I inclusive and September 1 to10 inclusive the rate, to Pueblo,Colorado Springs and Di n ver,Colorado will' bo ?J." for theround trip, to Glenn wood Spring,Colorado, $:'.." for tho round trip,aud to (bidun and Salt Lake City,Utah. $ l) for the round trip.Tickets limited for returu untilOctober J'.Ml.I-Vr furUier informanou callupon or address, W. rJ. Gipsoa.Derav, Mo., orK. . faB.U'MK.G.P.&T.Ys.Si. Ixiuis. Mo.Alsop,Dentist( )ver lCcliuin;eliauk.MISSOURI.JACKSON,BUY THEItrriSEWING MACHINE .Do not b decvlvcd by llios wiio oV "vertisw n o0.0U Hwvi ng Muchino for ;-U.i Hi. II i La kind of a machine can ,tie hontrut front tic or any of our 'dealers fr.Mitflo.UOto f 19.00. ,WC MAKE VAM'CTV.. - '"';''.?THE NEW HOME IS THE BEST.Dr. C. V.The Feed d!tcmiitW9 tbe Mreuirtta r -rv-;Ycaknc.- of tvm'lii Mucbinea. TltvIrotiblo Feed combined with other ;strong point make the New Ifoaute .the Ua Bowing Machine to buy. . ',wuuuutaiHttraaudprtcMbsjorepunlualne V 'THE KEW HOME IEVIHC HSIIM tt'tCBlMtt.N.Y.,CfaicMlL.Al!Mt.lT :'s)U Loala,Mo, De.ltas.Tux.. Han rrasetaeOkCM ,:H)nkk8.Wimiv Merc -Ct. r ;:i - .-'!-1-t - ';h:-s I.1 ;11: t.ii 2ff7e9595c

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